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flowers Dubai

flowers Dubai

About Us

Surprisingly, I came to know about blogging and making money online in 2009, and I researched about it on the internet for several months, I was searching for information mostly in Urdu but I didn’t find sufficient information in Urdu, therefore I started learning English and at the same time I started creating blogs and websites. That’s what turned my life into an ONLINE LIFE. When I was searching for information in Urdu and I did not find enough information on the internet in Urdu, at that moment I decided that I would create a BLOG/SITE for URDU/HINDI users someday and today you see it .

What I actually know about computer/internet are listed here
Blogging (WordPress, Blogger, Content Writing)
Making Money Online  (Online Teaching, Adsense, Affiliate Marketing & Freelancing)
SEO (Having Good knowledge in it)
Writing (Articles, Presentations, Corrections)
Google Adsense (Google Network to earn money with website)
Google Search Console (Google’s tool for crawling & indexing web pages)
Google Analytics (Google’s tool for statistical data)
Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Pinterest, Linkedin, Google+)
Online Teaching (Udemy, Skillshare, Fedora etc)

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